Thursday, August 25, 2011

FREE Weekend Sessions Available Through Grant from Autism Speaks!!!!!

Big news!!! Thanks to a grant from Autism Speaks, we are able to send 26 autistic participants to the Via West Campus this fall FOR FREE!!!!

Too good to be true?? Nope! If you know a participant diagnosed with Autism and would otherwise not able to afford a session at Via West Campus, then send them to our website!  All you have to do is fill out our financial application and send it in to Molly Young at with a note that you are interested in the Autism Speaks Campership.  For more information about our Fall and Spring schedule, please check our website at

See you soon at Via West Campus!!


  1. Call me a septic, but I have never known Autism Speaks to do anything that was not used to help make money for the pharmaceutical industry. Even if they give a few Autistic kids a grant that does not account for millions of dollars they take in or give them a right to claim they speak for us. If you speak for me, then speak out against forced drugging. Risperdal is poison. Peter Bell should be put on trial for marketing a drug with a black box warning for children.

  2. I can assure you that the money we have (in hand) will only be used to pay for children and/or adults on the spectrum to visit our Via West Campus. The politics of Autism Speaks aside, we (via Services) are glad to be able to offer these scholarships to those who would otherwise not be able to afford a respite weekend.
