Friday, May 18, 2012

Ready for College?

Are you thinking about college? Below are a few resources that have been put together by the National Down Syndrome Congress to help you learn what your options are.

College options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities:

Information about standardized testing for college:

A few sources for college loans for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

We're In This Together!

On April 27, Via staff members attended the San Andrea Regional Center legislative breakfast along with other service providers, SARC staffers, individuals with disabilities, caregivers and parents. The audience joined SARC executive director Santi Rogers in a pledge to increase our advocacy for people with developmental disorders with lawmakers. Assemblymembers Paul Fong and Richard Gordon spoke briefly at the meeting and acknowledged the importance of restoring full funding to service providers by rolling back the previous budget cuts.